Sebanyak 25 item atau buku ditemukan

Translating Sensitive Texts

Linguistic Aspects

This volume brings together twenty-two of the world's leading translation and interpreting theorists, to address the issue of sensitivity in translation. Whether in novels or legal documents, the Bible or travel brochures, in translating ancient texts or providing simultaneous interpretation, sensitive subject-matter, contentious modes of expression and the sensibilities of the target audience are the biggest obstacles to acceptance of the translator's work. The contributors bring to bear a wide variety of approaches - generative, cognitive, lexical and functional - in confronting this problem, and in negotiating the competing claims of source cultures and target cultures in the areas of cultural, political, religious and sexual sensitivity. All of the articles are presented here for the first time, and in his Introduction Karl Simms gives an overview of the philosophical and linguistic questions which have motivated translators of sensitive texts through the ages. This book will be of interest to all working translators and interpreters, and to teachers of translation theory and practice.

This volume brings together twenty-two of the world's leading translation and interpreting theorists, to address the issue of sensitivity in translation.

Penelitian pengembangan metode dan teknik penyuluhan dan bimbingan sosial masyarakat pedesaan dan perkotaan

efektifitas program penyuluhan sosial pada masyarakat pedesaan dan perkotaan

Evaluation on the effectiveness of social service program in Indonesia.

Hal ini karena berbagai pertimbangan seperti tingkat pendidikan WBS yang
relatif rendah , lamanyan penyuluhan hanya berkisar 2 jam , keterbatasan
sarana serta materi penyuluhan sosial yang relatif padat . Untuk menganalisa
masalah ini ...

Modernisasi dan pelestarian perkembangan metode dan teknik penulisan aksara Bali

Development of modern methods for writing Balinese script; conservation of Balinese script; religious aspects of Balinese script to Balinese people; survey.

Manusa . Pitra , Dewa ) . 1989 Provek Penelitian dan Pencatat Kebudavaan
Daerah . Sejarah Daerah Bali . 1978 . Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan Proyek Penerbitan Buku Bacaan dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah

Penerapan metode kuantitatif dalam penelitian gerejawi

Sulitnya pelaksanaan pengukuran pada penelitian sosial dan pendidikan karena
belum memadainya definisi. Padahal untuk pengembangan teori yang kuat jelas
memerlukan definisi-definisi yang benar-benar operasional. Di bidang sosial ...